I have this belief that if you tell yourself something long enough, you start to believe it; and whatever you feed your mind, you also start to believe. Whether it is good or it is bad, it tends to become your truth and it will project on all your ambitions.

If it is good, it helps your ambition and makes them grow; If bad, it hinders and discourages you.


3 major lies I told myself

LIE 1: Everything you’ve achieved is based on luck, connections and favor.

This particular lie had its effect on me. I kept thinking that I wasn’t enough, every little achievement felt like luck. I never gave myself enough credit for my hard work and effort.

Being a first class student, I always thought it was just luck; not thinking about the number of hours I took to read, the sleepless nights, canceling of events, missing out on fun experiences and many more. I further thought that the achievements were just temporary until I sat myself down, scolded myself and advised myself to get away from this hazardous mentality and start giving myself credit for every little win.

It became important for me to remain humble and be grateful for the support of others, but not at the expense of my own worth! I guess I’ve been missing that balance.

LIE 2: I owe everyone my time.

This is another dangerous and bloodsucking lie. This particular lie drains all the life and energy out of you.

I always tried to make out time for everyone in my life. I even included those whose presence didn’t give me joy, and believed they still deserved my time.

Why?, you’d ask.

You really cannot blame me, can you? I mean, I thought this attention would make me more respected, admired and liked. But in this life, you can never ever satisfy humans. They will keep asking for (more and more) even at the expense of your sanity

I later realized that there's nothing you can do that’ll satisfy humans, they keep asking for more even at the expense of your sanity.

So what do people really want?

The only reasonable answer is EVERYTHING. Humans want everything because HUMAN WANTS ARE UNLIMITED(If you didn't take Economics classes, then the jokes on you).

When you keep on volunteering and offering to help all the time, you will get sucked up in people’s lives and drama.

LIE 3: All the little nonsense I tell myself; You’re not enough, You’re too short (unfortunately actually true, lol), etc.

When you raise a standard for yourself, then people start to judge you. They say things like, “you’re proud,” “you are rude” or “you are a snub.” I get that a lot and I used to feel bad, but not anymore because old things have passed away, and all things have become new. 

I’ve decided to accept myself for who I am, I am enough!

I am not going to apologize for who I am! (except I am actually wrong and at fault).

Note to myself and to everyone who keeps telling themselves these lies;

  • Do not waste your precious time pondering about what others think of you.

  • Surround yourself with people with positive energy.

  • Surround yourself with people who will appreciate and celebrate you, not tolerate you.

  • YOU’RE ENOUGH. Don’t let people bully you into what you’re not.

Thanks for reading.

Let’s hear your thoughts on these. Of course we can’t hear you, so please share them down in the comment section😉


  1. This is nice. Thanks for sharing 🥰

  2. Constant reminder that we are enough, appreciate every little win and effort. Thanks for sharing this ❤️

  3. Sigh…Nice write-up

  4. Beautiful...

  5. This is a very raw truth
    Thanks so much for sharing


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