Going on dates is an essential and necessary part of our lives as humans.

A study has shown that men will have to go on eight dates, three blind dates, and meet three people online before they finally find The One. Women on the other hand will have to go on seven dates, as well as two blind dates, and two extra dates with someone they met online. But in most cases, one can easily tell if they want to continue seeing a person or not after one date, and this is dependent on a lot of factors like behaviour, the connection they feel with the person, among others. 

This shows that the impression we leave on a first date goes a long way.

First of all, I want to sincerely apologize to the ladies since I had them in mind while writing this, but the truth needs to be told. Sometimes, some ladies do very questionable things on the first date; then they will eventually begin to wonder why the man never contacted them or why he ghosted them after the first date. And in most cases, they like to lie to themselves, and reassure themselves that the man is the problem, when in reality, they are actually the problem. I bet some ladies are already raising their eyebrows and asking HOW?  Well, grab your cup of coffee, tea or popcorn because, I'm about to shake some dangerous tables. I will be sharing with you some things you should never even think of doing on a first date as a lady.


Don't ever leave your house to go on a date without some cash on you or your ATM card. Some women have this mentality of, "he was the one that asked me out on a date, so he should be ready to spend/pay for everything." And they will proceed to leave their house with an empty purse hoping that the man would be paying for everything including their transport fare (trust me, it happens and sister, one day you will wash plates). I once heard of a situation where the lady asked her date to pay for her Uber fee when she arrived on the date. This is just the first date for crying out loud, your main focus should be to get to know and connect with the person, and not billing them.

Having your ATM card or a little cash on you will go a long way. It will not only save you from awkward situations but it will also save you from embarrassments, because one cannot really tell what might happen. Imagine a scenario where you go on a date with someone, and after everything, he excuses himself and goes to the bathroom but never returns; and you on the other hand left your house with an empty purse - I don't even want to imagine how that scenario ends.

I see ladies constantly complaining and calling men selfish or stingy simply because things didn't go the way they had initially planned, and the man refused to pay for their transport fare and left them stranded. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but that is the height of entitlement, and you need to kill that mentality immediately, always bring your own money.

If you're guilty of this behaviour, please stop, it may seem to be working out for you now, but one day you might just run out of luck.


As ridiculous as this may sound, some ladies are still guilty of this. Why are your friends tagging along for your date? A date is not a party or the club where you can just bring your friends along. It is supposed to be a private meeting between you and the other party involved, with the purpose of getting to know each other better. So why are your friends there with you?

It is unfair, inconsiderate and disrespectful to bring others with you on a date, and no amount of excuses will ever justify that. Some use the fear of the unknown as an excuse “well, what if he is a crazy person, or a killer? Having my friends with me will make me feel more safe." If you are unsure about a date, you can either cancel the date or take preventive measures to protect yourself like meeting in a public place. I don't see the essence of going on a date if you don't feel safe around the other person. 

However, if you must bring your friends along, then make sure they sit as far away as possible from your date table, and make sure that they pay for whatever they order as well. In this part of the world we have heard countless stories where a lady will bring her friends with her on a date, and at the end of the day, they leave the guy with the bills.

There is this story that was on Instagram sometime ago where a Chinese lady brought her family members to her blind date, and when the man realized that they were expecting him to pay for the food they had ordered and ate, he excused himself under the pretense of talking to someone on the phone, and he never returned (as he should).


Some ladies see going on a date as a free gate pass to a buffet. I've had friends who would literally go on dates not because they like the person or want to get to know the person, but because of food and drinks.

The main reason for going on a date with a person should not be food, so please watch the amount of food and drinks you order and eat. It is so sad that some ladies have literally sold their shame, so therefore they do not feel any form of shame whatsoever.

After eating four raps of Fufu with egusi soup, one plate of jollof rice with moimoi, salad and two chicken breasts, with one chivita juice to step down the food, you still ordered for takeaway; now you're wondering why he is not picking your calls or replying to your texts. After you almost wrecked the poor man you still have mouth to be shouting men are scum.

Please have some dignity and self control; be considerate of the person paying the bills.


At times, when we are in a deep conversation with someone and we begin to feel a sort of connection, we easily get carried away and start spilling some very personal secrets about ourselves. That man doesn't need to know so much about your personal business on the first date, I keep hammering this whenever I engage in these types of  conversations with some ladies, "There are secrets that you should never share with any man on the first date."

In fact, there are secrets that you should take to your grave, I don't care if you felt a strong connection with him, or if there were sparks in the air, or butterflies in your stomach, A first date is never a safe space to share so much about yourself.

Some women even go as far as telling the men their body count, how much they make a month, and their weaknesses. Listen, you're putting yourself in a very vulnerable position. Sometimes, what you told him on the first date, might just be the reason he ghosted you or might be used against you.

This is all we have for today loves. We hope you enjoyed reading this post and if you think we left out some important points we will really love to hear from you in the comment section. 



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